
Posts Tagged ‘i65’

i65 Steps up Illustration

2010/06/22 Leave a comment

Illustration is the key to bringing life to copy.  The age old adage  “A picture is worth a thousand words.” is true in some instances, but most often it’s worth a lot more.  Though the image will not be worthy of a ‘thousand words’, what it brings will be invaluable in getting your point across.

Face it.  Some of us are just not ‘word oriented’.  For that segment of a market, an illustration works wonders.  As well, some topics just need a little ‘show ‘n tell’ to get the idea or concept into a format easily understood by your audience.

Regardless of the reason, the need is obvious.

Images tell you story.

They do so in compelling manner.

They continue to speak for you – long after the works have passed.

Images also bring you new eyes and ideas; good for future marketing.

Let i65 help you build the image(s) you need for your next campaign, project or job.

We are here to make you look all you can be.